All In depth articles – Page 9

  • Infografía-estación-Valencia-Joaquín-Sorolla_interior_andenes-2
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    Comment: Stations really matter


    The opening on January 25 of Long Island Rail Road’s deep-level hub at Grand Central Madison in New York encapsulates the challenges facing station developers, who must balance urban regeneration objectives with operational improvements to rail services. This is no simple task, argues our Executive Editor Nick Kingsley.

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    Portugal: National plan to boost rail’s market share


    Ambitious plans to connect Portugal’s 10 largest cities by high speed rail form the centrepiece of a comprehensive railway development package unveiled by the Portuguese government late last year. To be completed by 2050, the plan also envisages new suburban corridors and a third bridge over the River Tagus. André Pires  reports.

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    Europe: Authorising modifications — time to learn from experience


    Practical experience suggests that changes to the vehicle authorisation process introduced in the EU’s Fourth Railway Package have clarified the requirements covering the approval of modifications to existing rolling stock deployed in more than one country.

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    Southeast Asia: Rising costs force ASEAN nations to redefine Belt & Road projects


    Ballooning costs and imprecise contract terms have led to significant changes to major projects and in some cases to renegotiation of terms. Toma Bačić  investigates schemes in three ASEAN countries.

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    Track Technology: Going underground down under


    Tracklaying is underway on 1 067 mm gauge cross-city rail links in Brisbane and Auckland, both of which are using resilient slab trackforms to minimise noise and vibration.

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    Austria: Mobile milling supports preventive rail maintenance


    Wiener Linien has been exploring how a combination of mobile milling and investment in premium rail steels can help to optimise its maintenance costs and move from reactive to preventive interventions on its metro lines.

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    Track Technology: Modular elements could offer cheaper and more flexible slab trackform


    Field trials are expected to start near Marseille in the coming months of a lower-cost modular slab trackform developed by Systra and construction group Stradal as a potential replacement for conventional ballasted track. Technical consultant Jean-Claude Zabée explains the concept to Nick Kingsley.

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    Track Maintenance: Alleviating suffering on the metre gauge


    Following severe wheel-rail interaction problems on Swiss metre-gauge networks, the RailPlus association has launched a technical study to investigate and address the issue, as Technical Manager Markus Barth  explains to Reinhard Christeller.

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    Comment: Productivity not exploitation


    Poor working conditions risk impacting on railways’ ability to recruit the people they need to be competitive for the future, argues Railway Gazette’s Senior Editor Chris Jackson.

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    Greece: Rail revival struggles to gain momentum


    Despite a macroeconomic recovery and an injection of EU funding for infrastructure, Greece’s rail recovery is still facing headwinds, typified by the low-key launch of Pendolino services between the country’s two principal cities. Toma Bačić reports from Athens.

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    Australia: Reshaping Brisbane’s rail connections


    With construction of the Cross River Rail link well underway, Queensland’s state government has unveiled a comprehensive strategy for development of Brisbane’s regional rail network to accommodate projected population growth. Chris Jackson  explores the proposals.

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    Australia: Bankstown Line conversion takes shape


    Work is forging ahead to convert a 13 km section of the Sydney Trains suburban network to form part of the city’s automated metro. Nick Kingsley asked Sydney Metro Project Director Hugh Lawson to explain.

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    Traction Technology: Diverse fleets demonstrate energy storage advances


    ABB’s novel modular battery powerpacks are being deployed on new trains being built by several major manufacturers, as advances in energy storage technology start to become commercialised.

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    Traction Technology: Remanufacturing diesel trains with battery power


    Although UK rolling stock specialist Vivarail entered administration on December 1, the company’s Managing Director Steve McBride argues that remanufacturing of existing trains with battery traction remains a compelling choice for a quick and cost-effective transition away from diesel power.

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    India: On the way to a sustainable railway


    As well as its traction decarbonisation strategy, Indian Railways has launched a raft of initiatives aimed at improving its wider environmental credentials. Raghu Dayal investigates.

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    India: Traction for a decarbonised future


    As its ambitious electrification programme nears completion, Indian Railways has been adjusting its traction policies and revising its procurement strategies for the coming years, reports Raghu Dayal.

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    USA: Electrification comes to Bay Area commuters


    Caltrain is updating and electrifying one of the oldest commuter rail operations in the USA, which will bring a range of environmental and social benefits, as Executive Director Michelle Bouchard and Programme Manager Pranaya Shrestha explain to Dave Lustig.

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    Comment: Transport back on the climate agenda


    The recent COP27 climate summit in Egypt received a broadly underwhelming response, but for the rail and public transport sectors at least, there were signs of hope that the mobility transition is edging back on to the global climate agenda after being largely absent at COP26 in Glasgow last year.

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    Asia: ESCAP rethinks trans-continental supply chains


    Covid-19 and the Ukrainian crisis have impacted on Eurasian rail flows, but ESCAP believes railways still have a key role to play in an integrated multimodal transport system supporting global supply chains. Raghu Dayal reports.

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    Interview: Rail can address Europe’s societal challenges


    From tensions with Russia to the climate emergency, rail has a role to play at the heart of Europe’s response to the biggest questions of the age, believes CER Executive Director Alberto Mazzola. But he tells Nick Kingsley that more investment is needed to boost both capacity and capability.